My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I enjoyed the book. What I liked about it was the Christian undertones in a fantasy novel (as someone who has been accused of not being a good Christian because I enjoy fantasy novels, this was a big plus, and the reason for the fourth star). I didn't enjoy how easily everything seemed to go for the main character, Kale.
She begins as a slave. Suddenly, she is freed and wants to move up in the world to become a servant. She's waylaid along the way when it is discovered that she has the ability to locate dragon eggs. Her life only improves from there.
That's not to say that there is zero conflict in this book, but very little of it affects Kale directly, and all of it is easily resolved and tied up in a neat little bow.
I would recommend this book for kids/teens looking for a fantasy book with a Christian slant. I'd hesitate to recommend it to friends/family that I know are not Christian, because I'd be concerned that the implied message would be that I'm trying to convert them. I think anyone who enjoys fantasy could enjoy this book, but I doubt that someone who is not Christian would enjoy it.