Rock Harbor Search and Rescue by Colleen Coble
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This was a quick read - likely because it is geared towards upper elementary/middle school aged readers. I think it was good for this age group; it definitely gives the story from the perspective of a middle-schooler.
My biggest complaint was with Emily's father's attitude towards the situation. His daughter, who is nearly fourteen and has never lied to him, suddenly is someone he does not trust? Yes, the situation as described did make Emily look guilty, but if your teen has proven herself trustworthy, suddenly treating her as if she is a liar is not something most parents would do. Even my father, who I felt was exceptionally hard on me when I was a young teen, would not have treated me this way in this situation. I very much enjoyed his apology to his daughter, but his attitude grated on my nerves for most of the book.
Overall, this is a good book for kids who enjoy mysteries, dogs, or both!
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