Rebekah in Danger: Peril at Plymouth Colony (1621) by Colleen L. Reece
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I was disappointed in what felt like a recycling of characters. This takes place only one year after the first book, and both books are by the same author. So why did she choose to use the same family/friends dynamic for both books without keeping it the same family? Also, if she IS going to change the family, she should keep in mind that in such a small group, the two families would run into each other frequently. Mentioning that the families know each other would go a long way towards smooth continuity in these two books.
I know that the intended age range is 8-12, but even at that age, I would have thought this was a poor character setup.
It was a good overview of that first winter in Plymouth Colony, and that is what earned it the third star.
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