Thursday, February 9, 2012

Third Sentence Thursday: Night Embrace

"You know, Talon, killing a soul-sucking Daimon without a good fight is like sex without foreplay.  A total waste of time and completely un . . .  satisfying."
Talon grunted at Wulf's words while he sat a a corner table at the Cafe Du Monde, waiting for his waitress to return with his black chicory coffee and beignets.  He had an ancient Saxon coin in his left hand that he rolled between his finger as he scanned the dark street in front of him and watched the tourists and locals drift by.

This is the first through fourth sentences of this book - the third being in bold.  The third sentence alone means so much less than in the context of the others around it. :)

I'm getting close to the end of this book, and enjoying it immensely.  This is the third I'm reading of the books that take place in this setting, the second in the Dark-Hunter series (the first book I read was a prequel to the rest).

Third Sentence Thursday
 Third Sentence Thursday is a weekly meme hosted by Proud Book Nerd.
  1. Take the book you are currently reading, and share the third sentence in the first chapter (NOT the preface, preamble, introduction, etc. – Chapter 1). Feel free to share more (maybe the first three, the second through fourth, or the third plus the two following) if you’d prefer.
  2. Share your thoughts, if any, on the snippet (or sentences).

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